French-fold zine (original version) of Embrace Variety Vol.01
Embrace Variety Vol.01 cover
Embrace Variety Vol.01 cover
french-fold, top view
french-fold, top view
french-fold: when printed sheets are binded with the fold side outside. It created a hidden images "inside" the page
french-fold: when printed sheets are binded with the fold side outside. It created a hidden images "inside" the page
release image
release image
release image
release image

More about the release

“Embrace Variety” is a zine released in several volumes, published occasionally, as new articles appear on my blog, which has the same name:

Every volume contains guides and design advice which will be useful for everyone who is building a brand for their own project or for others. These guides range in their advancement. You’ll find joy exploring this realm on your own.

In the Vol.01:

  1. What is brand personality and how to discover one? ▉ design process essentials ▉ 5 min to read

  2. What is your design taboo? Or, a lost-treasure exercise to get your product noticed in a competitive market ▉ guide to standing out ▉ 11 min to read

  3. How to design a North Star, or the most complete guide to brand moodboards ▉ guide // my not-secret-anymore sauce ▉ 33 min to read

The release you will mint contains two formats:

  1. Print-at-home french-fold zine files (when printed and bonded, the zine will look exactly as on the photos)
  2. Digital version, PDF, adjusted for two-page display.

Record details

CategoryDesign, Publishing
Release Date7 December 2024
Catalog NumberEV01

Embrace Variety Vol.01

Created by

Embrace Variety Vol.01 contains three guides about the core and often overlooked aspects of visual branding: personality, design taboos, and the North Star. It is for everyone who wants to give their brand an image that stands out, stands the time and resonates. And for those who want to take better control of the branding process.

Collected by
Collected by